Life Happens // Empire Embroidered Dress

Can I just say that after being away for the entire summer, it seems so foreign to be sitting in front of my laptop typing this blog post? It's been social media silence from me, but in reality/real life the past three months have been hectic, unexpected, and exciting.

Aaron and I bought a house! Well, we didn't just buy a house, it's a house in Cleveland! That's right, this LA girl has completely committed herself to the midwest, mentally and physically. Although nothing is ever permanent, this is for now. LA will always be home and I've been struggling with this decision for a few years, but now it just feels right. Go big or go home [literally back to LA], right?

While we're finally getting settled and I'm getting back to the swing of things we've got a lot of renovations and plans coming up that I can't wait to share with you. Just a quick post to say 'hi' - I hope everyone enjoys the last few days of summer. See you in the fall!


  1. I love this outfit and adore maxi dresses! Great post! Also, congrats on the new home!

  2. Love this dress!!! So flattering and looks great on you!

  3. I live in maxi dresses! Congrats on the new home :)

  4. Such a pretty look - love it shown paired with the tassel earring!

  5. That is sooo exciting! Congratulations on the new house!!! Going from LA to Ohio sure is a drastic change and will definitely take time to adjust, but Ive been to Ohio and it’s pretty! I love all the nature!

  6. Thank you Kat! Can’t wait to get all the renovations done!

  7. Thank you Melissa! It’s comfortable too!

  8. Me too - they’re just appropriate for anything and everything! Thank you Elizabeth!

  9. Thank you Julia! 🙂

  10. It’s definitely a transition to switch my mindset because I’m so used to being in such a big metropolitan city. I miss it everyday.

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